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Measuring the impact of utility services for a Smart City infrastructure using an Input-Output appr

No mês de Setembro de 2018,

Bruno Amado Rodrigues Filho, profissional do Inmetro, engenheiro de produção formado pela Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, e membro do grupo Conecticidade, publicou, em co-autoria com o Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Franco Gonçalves e o Prof. Dr. Marcelo Schneck de Paula Pessôa, professores do Departamento de Engenharia de Produção da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, o artigo "Measuring the impact of utility services for a Smart City infrastructure using an Input-Output approach" sobre a metrologia de serviços nas infraestruturas de Smart Cities e o apresentou no evento IMEKO - XXII WORLD CONGRESS - BELFAST 2018 realizado em Belfast Waterfront, na Irlanda do Norte, no Renio Unido, de 3 a 6 de Setembro de 2018.

Site do congresso para consulta:

Measuring the impact of utility services for a Smart City infrastructure using an Input-Output approach

Bruno Amado Rodrigues Filho

National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology – Inmetro, São Paulo Office, 1922 Santa Cruz St., São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Rodrigo Franco Gonçalves e Marcelo Schneck de Paula Pessôa

Production Engineering Department,Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo, 530 Prof. Luciano Gualberto Av., SP, Brazil



The Smart City concept has been widely studied and used to justify the implementation of infrastructure and technological solutions such as sensors and software in cities in order to optimize resources and the welfare of citizens. Legal metrology plays an important role in this context since most of the measurement systems in a smart city, such as smart grids are under its regulation. However these solutions in measurements are expensive and the benefits shall surpass the costs in order apply a technological measurement infrastructure. The present study uses an Input-Output technique in order to evaluate the impact of the utility services, one of services optimized by smart metering system in a Smart City context. The model was applied in the world´s tenth biggest economies. The results show that an improvement of 1% in the water collection, treatment and supply; electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply represent USD 68.09 billion. This monetary value can be used as a cost benefit ratio in order to invest in technological infrastructure focused on utilities.

Segue o artigo completo para consulta:



Laboratório de Cidades, Tecnologia e Urbanismo

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